SADL Version 3 Build Instructions

Last revised 10/08/2020.


This document provides step-by-step instructions for creating an Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment for the SADL grammar and IDE. It includes two different ways of installing Eclipse, followed by steps to be taken after installing Eclipse, regardless of which method of installation was followed. These instructions are for setting up a development environment on a local machine. This development environment can then be used to generate new SADL updates, to make modifications/extensions to the SADL code, or to create new Eclipse plug-ins to create extensions to the SADL grammar/IDE.

Setup Steps

  1. Create a folder in the local file system under which the source code and Eclipse workspace will be located. (For example, on MS Windows this might be "c:\sadl".) This folder will be referred to as DEV-HOME.
  2. Create a folder under DEV-HOME named "git".
  3. Clone the SADL github repository under DEV-HOME/git.
  4. Download and install (if not already present) the Java 11 JDK (see or
  5. Install Maven so that builds can be run from the command line
  6. Install Eclipse 2020-12 by one of the methods below.
  7. Start and configure Eclipse

Build the Projects

  1. In a command line window, change directory to the this folder in local SADLsource code repository, the SADL parent project:.../git/sadl/sadl3/
  2. Do a clean by typing the commend "mvn clean". Let it finish and verify that there are no errors.
  3. Do a build by typing the command "mvn install -U". Let it finish and verify that there are no errors.

Import Maven Projects into Eclipse

  1. Start Eclipse if not already running
  2. Import as Maven projects (File -> Import... -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects):
  3. Select all imported projects in the Package Explorer window and do a Maven Project Update (right-click on the selected projects, select Maven -> Update Project...)
  4. Set the target platform to and let all builds resulting from the change complete or
  5. If there are any errors remaining, do a clean/build:

Validating the Build Environment

At this point there should be no errors in any of the projects.

  1. Right-click on the project and select Run As -> Eclipse Application. or Debug As -> Eclipse Application. Note that you may need to select Run Configurations... to get to Eclipse Application.
  2. A new instance of Eclipse should start with the SADL plug-ins installed.